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What is an EDI VAN?

Value Added Network (VAN) is a private network provider used to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI).

In the 1980s, VANs emerged as a way to connect supply chain participants. They offered store-and-forward mailboxes and were deployed to help trading and supply chain partners automate many business-to-business communications and thereby reduce the number of paper transfers needed.

However, EDI VANs proved to be too costly for most businesses. Only the largest of supply chain participants could afford the expensive setup fees associated with EDI software.

Traditionally, most VANs primarily only support EDI standard message formats, such as TRADACOMS  and EDIFACT however in today’s world e-commerce is increasingly based on newer technologies such as XML or more standard CSV message formats.

Whereas EDI used to rely on Value Added Networks for delivering the message, nowadays EDI can be delivered by other secure methods, including AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) or sFTP. These connectivity methods are cheaper and more flexible than a Value Added Network.

Our Fully Managed EDI Service can provide a cost effective, secure and reliable solution for all your trading needs.


Why choose EDI PLUS?

  • Fully managed, hosted service
  • Flexible any-to-any solutions
  • Very high customer satisfaction
  • 20+ years’ industry experience
  • Clear, transparent pricing
  • All data held within the UK
  • UK-based customer support

EDI Plus Ltd

Telephone: (+44) 1752 237 080