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What is IDOC?

IDoc is short for Intermediate Document and it is an SAP document format for business transaction data transfers. If you use SAP and are looking to integrate electronically with your trading partners you have two options:

  • Use an EDI adapter for SAP which can be configured to transform your SAP IDoc files into the EDI formats that your trading partner's system can use.
  • Outsource this transformation to an EDI provider with the expertise to do this on your behalf and allow you to work with just the IDoc files that you want, and your trading partners with the formats that they want.

The EDI PLUS fully managed and outsourced EDI service will allow you to use the SAP IDoc format for all of your electronic trading. We will do the mapping to the required EDI formats of each of your trading partners, we will own the delivery of your project for you and be the main support contact for you and your trading partners.

IDoc transformation can be performed on any transaction type such as Purchase Orders or Invoices and can be generated at any point in the transaction process and can also include stages such as Shipping and Receiving.

An IDoc consists of

  • Control record
  • Data record
  • Status record


Why choose EDI PLUS?

  • Fully managed, hosted service
  • Flexible any-to-any solutions
  • Very high customer satisfaction
  • 20+ years’ industry experience
  • Clear, transparent pricing
  • All data held within the UK
  • UK-based customer support

EDI Plus Ltd

Telephone: (+44) 1752 237 080